Find Used Fire Apparatus for Brush, Forestry, and Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Needs

Posted by Billy Claunch, on August 23, 2023

With the continuous threat of brush and wildfire across North America, there are growing needs for fire apparatus that can be purchased and deployed in short order.  Brindlee Mountain Fire Apparatus (www.firetruckmall.com) is the source for a diverse range of used fire trucks very suitable for this application.


Regardless if you seek a used Type 1, Type 3, or Type 6 configuration (or something similar), Brindlee Mountain Fire Apparatus can assist with getting you mobile firefighting assets that are ready to be put to work in protecting citizens and structures in a variety of geographic destinations.  As another potential solution path, there may even be scenarios wherein an existing used skid firefighting package and associated body can be remounted on a new commercial chassis (Ford, Chevrolet, or RAM) to extend the useful service life; fit budget constraints, and possibly even expedite the time to be in service.  Multiple possibilities are available and Brindlee Mountain Fire Apparatus has the expertise to put it all together.


Of course, not everyone needs an engine or a brush truck for their wildland urban interface mission.  At times, the requirement could be for a used tender or tanker to shuttle water or even be utilized with applying fire retardant from the ground.  Another product area is used rescue or command vehicles (including trailers and SUVs) that can serve with moving personnel, gear, tools, and equipment as well as being a remote outpost for incident management.  With access to nearly 500 different used vehicles in all product categories, Brindlee Mountain Fire Apparatus very likely has something suitable for a given brush, forestry, or wildland situation.


Beyond purchasing a used rig, one can also refurbish an existing piece of wildland firefighting equipment to accommodate funding pressures as well as delivery time to have the unit ready to work relatively soon.  These services can be scaled to the extent or degree required for each individual case that fire departments and agencies demand.


Finally, Brindlee Mountain Fire Apparatus can also orchestrate short-term rental or lease programs with used WUI vehicles to satisfy immediate requirements based on unexpected emergency situations.  This may include coverage for fire apparatus that have been recently placed out of service or added resources based on specific events during a given fire season.   

Whatever the scenario, with over 20 years of experience and the best access to hundreds of used fire trucks and rescue vehicles, Brindlee Mountain Fire Apparatus (https://www.firetruckmall.com/AvailableTrucks/Brush-Trucks-Quick-Attacks-Minis) is your trusted partner in time of need for used brush, forestry, and wildland urban interface vehicles. 

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