Four Factors To Consider When Purchasing Used Pumper Trucks

Posted by Zachary Lightfoot, on January 7, 2023

Buying a firetruck can be a daunting task. There are a lot of features and options that need to be considered. When you find yourself asking “How to buy a Firetruck?” Brindlee Mountain Fire Apparatus is the place to go. Here are four things to look at when purchasing a used pumper.

  • Flow Rate:

The pumps on firetrucks are manufactured with different flow rates. The minimum flow rate for a truck to be classified as a pumper is 750gpm but can get upwards of 2,000gpm. Industrial pumpers can reach flow rates of up to 10,000gpm. It’s important that you determine your department's needs before making a decision on a pumper and purchase the right tool for the job.

  • Pump Testing:

Pump testing your truck is very important. This ensures the truck is meeting the specifications that it should and everything is working properly. Any truck you are looking at purchasing for your department should have an up-to-date pump test.

  • Size Of Water Tank:

When it comes to tanks, pumpers come in a variety of sizes. Water tanks range in size from 250 to 3000 gallons. Large-capacity water trucks are used to deal with large-scale fires. Whereas, for low-scale fire incidents, mini pumpers can work too. You must know what size tank you desire before making a purchase.

  • Quality:

Firetrucks are big purchases and it can be quite a stressful process. It’s important to do research on the front end to determine exactly what you want so you don’t have to go through the process twice. Spending a bit more on a quality pumper can save you a lot of money in the long run. Purchase your truck from a source that you trust and offers a warranty. A warranty can take a lot of the stress out of a situation in the event of a failure.

The Final Word:

Now that you know how to acquire nice used pumpers, the only question is where to get a reliable vehicle. We have a solution for that too! All you need to do is click here and start looking for the product of your choice.

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