The ambulance you are looking for to expand or update your fleet just might be listed with the largest selections of used fire trucks on
We understand how hard it might be to find the exact unit to meet your needs. So we have created a process enabling you to sort your search with exact criteria.
Option 1 - search now

Navigate to the home page of In the search box chose the Apparatus Type: Ambulances and Transport Units. You can also choose a max budget. Once you have decided on these items hit the search button. Out of the more than 1200 listings, your search will narrow down to just include ambulances and transport units.
Do you want to save your search and come back? just added a ‘My Favorites” and “Recently Viewed” tool. You can find out how to save your searches here: We Heard You.
Option 2 - get notified
If you have searched the current listings and nothing meets your unique requirements, then you can launch the FireTruckFinder® tool.

Choose the apparatus type: Ambulances and Transport Units

Continue to scroll down the page, adding as many details as you want. By not selecting options, FireTruckFinder® will default to the “all” option.
The last step to finding the right ambulance is to complete the contact form and select either or both of the communication options, Text or Email.

Hit the “Sign Up For FireTruckFinder®” button and you will be notified by TEXT or Email when the ambulance meeting your unique needs becomes available.
We are here to help has the largest selection of used fire trucks of any other website. But it also hosts listings for ambulances and transports units.
We want to help you find the right vehicle. Let us know how we can help you.